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Virtualization to Containerization
If you haven’t heard about docker already, it’s only a matter of time. Docker and Kubernetes are the modern day container systems for storing and managing your own data, or more importantly a team or companies data. But first how did we arrive at Docker?
In the beginning…
Back in the day large corporations would buy up and store all their data on good old fashion servers. While necessary these servers were inefficient. For starters, each operating system needed its own network, each application would normally get assigned its own server network to compensate for growth, then they would get built vertically. This process often forced companies to over-allocate costly servers in order to ensure they could scale over time.
Along comes VMware, a tech company with the promise of a new solution. Virtualization, An innovative idea which involved “virtualizing” the hardware. The idea was that instead of buying more physical servers for each operating system, VMWare’s “Hypervisor” sat on top of the hardware and would allocate an individual server’s space to run different OS’s on the same machine…